Logo Design
February 9, 2021

KReal Productions

KReal Productions is a video media company that provides professional quality video with a super sharp style. Owned and operated by Kirill Klingaman, the company excels at creating compelling promotional videos and captivating music videos. You may have seen some of the company’s work featured on Vevo’s official Youtube channel.

Zach Lee
Logo Designer


Kirill was looking for a rebrand of his video company. He was very brief when describing to me what he needed. I took what I was given and ran with it in my own way. Out of the 3 concepts I delivered, this was his favorite.

Full Transparency

Currently, this project is on hiatus. Kirill wanted to set things aside while he focuses on other pursuits. When he spoke to me about this decision, in all honesty, I felt like I had failed. While I am proud of the way this logo looks and feels, I knew I must have made a misstep somewhere in the process. Looking back on it though, I learned something. Perhaps if I had gone more into detail with Kirill originally, things would have gone differently. If I had a better understanding of where he wanted to go with this project, I think it would have made both of us feel more confident. I am sad that this project did not end in the way I had planned for it to, but I am thankful for the learning experience, and I know that it has influenced me to create better work. When Kirill does finally feel ready to reapproach the process, I know I can handle it.

Yes, it may be foolish to post a project that ultimately failed, but I think it is important to be open and honest with your clients. I hope reading this has not deterred you from hiring me. In my opinion, going through this experience is what gave me the mindset I need to handle any project with expertise. I am excited to hear from you, and I am ready for the challenge, whatever it may be.

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